Friday, October 29, 2010

This Idiot.

Is it any wonder that nobody takes this country seriously? 
So this douchebag decides it is high time to slash personal income tax rates across the board, by a hefty 15 per cent. Now, let's not forget that this retard and his party passed legislation that outlawed deficits, subsequently repealed of course when it became clear that, yikes, sometimes deficit spending is a necessity. Like when central banks keep interest rates too low for too long, mortgages are made available to people without the means to realistically afford them leading to a high number of home foreclosures, the Dow and TSX lose 50 per cent of their value in just over a year, bankruptcies rise, unemployment approaches 10 per cent nationally, and correspondingly, tax revenue plummets, while demand for social welfare does the opposite, and the Reagan era comes to a sudden, dramatic conclusion. (And right-wing politicians who previously espoused free-market solutions to any and every economic malady try to obscure their sudden application of Keynesian fiscal policy with terms like "stimulus" and "economic action plan.")

Of course outlawing deficits is a sham, and was clearly a crass, populist move aimed at appeasing idiotic citizens' groups like the ultra-douchey Canadian Taxpayer's Federation, and those who subscribe to their non-sensical, boorish, snivelling calls for lower taxes and spending cuts. "Stop the deficit madness," a recent campaign on their website screams. "Today, every child born in B.C. owes $10,751 to the province [and] by 2013 that number will grow to $12,782 dollars. THAT is fiscal child abuse." No, that is fucking hyperbole. What will these cavemen say about the extra deficit incurred by the aforementioned tax cut? A call for further spending cuts, no doubt. Go fuck yourself, CTF, you myopic, single issue, piece-of-shit lobby group.

As for Campbell, is it fiscally responsible to cut taxes in a poor economy already posting a significant deficit? No doubt spending will be cut from an already stretched-thin public service. Fuck you, Gordon Campbell. Enjoy your swift descent into political obscurity, when you lose the next election to an opponent that a 97 year old with dementia could probably defeat. And John Maynard Keynes would fucking smash you if he were still alive.