Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not Victoria

Apart from the surly crew from Vancouver to Winnipeg that enforced a strict no fun policy, and arriving 4 hours late in Toronto, the train wasn't so bad. 
The romance of train travel: I have never slept as badly as I did in these seats. 
What's up, baguette guy?
A Torontonian beats the late August heat by wearing a scarf and walking with two large, heavy bags. 
The Central Business District. 
Folks shopping.
Once upon a time, Toronto had the largest penis in the world. 
A nice upper-middle class Toronto neighbourhood. 
A man slumps forward in his seat, succumbing to hypothermia: Via Rail's policy of enforcing passenger time limits in the observation dome is accomplished by setting the air conditioning to -37 degrees centigrade. 
"Oh my God, like Saskatchewan is like literally so much better than wherever you're from..." Okay, so it's not all bad.